Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I had no patients so I started 'surfing' the OPD register. Here are some more nice names for you people. Enjoy!
1. Sapha
2. Properman
3. Risingstar
4. Barrister
5. Mighty
6. Drink
7. Defence
8. Tiny
9. Ferry
10. None
11. Starlight
12. MAMMARY KHONGIONG 23/F. Beat this!!

Monday, January 19, 2009


1. If only time stagnated like life tends to..
2. If only life smoked when it burned like a cigarette does..
3. If only life was as easy as the love songs tend to portray it to be..
4. If only the night was as dark as life seems to be..
5. If only medicine had surety as life surely ends in death..
6. If only life was just a bed similar to one on a wedding night..
7. If only life was as predictable as the monsoon rains..
8. If only the corrosive waters of life were as pure as snow..

Why would astrologers and numerologists exist then?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Answer to a Question

I was reading a friend's blog. He had posted something like 'Where is the Love'. The following post is my mad answer to the question:

Good question: 'Where is the love?' Nowhere. Its just malignant lust, or insipid selfishness. And Eagles sang Love Will Us Alive. As if.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Why does one get drunk after drinking and not before?
Why can't one shave without a blade in the razor?
Why does soap not lather in the absence of water?
Why do Delhi autos have faulty meters?
Why doesn't a heater work during load-shedding?
Why is a bride and a groom needed to complete a wedding?
Why do some men pick their noses in public?
Why, in The Age of Empires, only monks can fetch a relic?
Why that which barks is called a dog?
And why, oh why, do people blog?!

Have you thought, ever in your life
Why some men fear their wives?
And if you haven't had time to think
Meditate when you blink.

P. S: Ah, now that's what I call ORIGINALITY!